We are a top tier firm in Suriname for the provision of tax, legal and accounting services. The focus is on tax planning and advising on setting up tax efficient legal structures in relation with doing business and investing in Suriname.

As we are firmly rooted in the Suriname society, we truly understand the business environment we’re working in. That’s why we can provide our clients with high value insight and assistance when it comes to regulations and working conditions, which may impact their business. 

Our knowledge, experience and commitment to our clients enable us to provide tax and legal advice and accounting services to the highest international professional standards.
Our firm is 100% NATIVE and fully locally owned, controlled and managed by our professionals.

 Working with us consequently enables our foreign clients to adhere to the local content obligations they may have.


We are committed to conduct our business responsibly and in accordance with the  applicable laws of Suriname. This is done through promoting continuous compliance awareness and application of our policies and procedures in our business activities. 

Our compliance and ethical conduct are based on our Code of Conduct and Business  Ethics, which provides guidance for all our staff members and associates to perform  their jobs with integrity. The Code forms the basis for building a compliance culture  throughout the firm and is perfect in line with our corporate culture and core values. 


As professionals we guide our clients in finding appropriate solutions for complex tax and legal and other relevant issues related to their business.

We aim to enhance their ability to manage risks and to improve their performance. We are proud that our services contribute in improving transparency, trust and consistency  in the business society.

In conducting our business we comply with all applicable laws, regulatory  requirements, internal policies and professional standards, which include the  Shyamnarain Associates Code of Conduct and Ethics, the Code of Conduct of the  Suriname Tax Advisors Association/ Surinaamse Federatie van Belastingadviseurs (SFB), the ACCA Code of Ethics and Conduct, the Rules and Regulations of the Suriname  Chartered Accountants Institute (SCAI) and other relevant standards specifically  pertaining other professionals within our firm. 

We warrant that in providing our services we practice ZERO tolerance for bribery and  corruption and comply with all applicable local and relevant international AML/CTF,  Anti-Bribery and Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking laws. 


We are proud to have the most diversified and challenging client portfolio in the  business. It comprises not only some of the largest local companies, but also  international majors with listings at NYSE, NASDAQ, LSE/FTSE 100 and Euronext Paris.

Our clients come from all over the world and are working across almost all relevant industries in Suriname, which among others include oil and gas, mining, banking, insurance, shipping, aviation, manufacturing, heavy equipment, trading and construction.

As we value the privacy of our clients, we consequently do not disclose our relationship  with them for commercial purposes. However, where such may be required in specific  cases, we will gladly share our relevant expertise with potential new clients. 


Our office is located at Wagenwegstraat 50 in Paramaribo, capital city of the Republic of Suriname. its Characteristic Dutch colonial architecture, together with the surrounding majestic mahony trees, places us in the heart of the historic inner city, wich is a UNESCO world Cultural Heritage Site.

We are proud to be part of such a prestigious environment and are therefore  committed to contribute in preserving it.